WiegalaKey E minor. Range G4 - E5. Tempo Quarter note = 110. Accompaniment characteristics Right hand plays the melody. Pedagogical challenges...
Und der Regen rinntKey F minor. Range C4 - F5. Tempo Moderato. Accompaniment characteristics Triads in the left hand. Sixteenth-notes with both chordal and...
UkolebavkaKey G Major. Range D4 - D5. Tempo Allegretto. Accompaniment characteristics Chords in the left hand and chromatic gestures in the right...
Kleines WiegenliedKey D Major. Range E4 - D5. Tempo Eighth note = 95. Accompaniment characteristics Repetitive sixteenth note gesture in the left hand and...
Ich wandre durch TheresienstadtKey D Major. Range A3 - B4. Tempo Quarter note = 100. Accompaniment characteristics Harmonic support for the singer from the flowing...
Dobry denKey G Major. Range E4 - E5. Tempo Moderato. Accompaniment characteristics Constant eighth notes in the right hand that harmonically...
Denn alles wird gutKey F Major. Range C4 - G5. Tempo Quarter note = 84. Accompaniment characteristics Doubles the vocal line entirely. Pedagogical...
Ade, Kamerad!Key B Major Range C#4 - D#5 Tempo Moderato Accompaniment characteristics The piano mostly doubles the voice, with some clashing notes...